Nail varnish- Sinful colours "why not"
Monday, 17 June 2013
Grey marl with leather sleeves and Chelsea boots .
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Summer is upon us.
I think everyones gathered by now that im really bad at keeping up with my blog, but just recently my ideas for blog posts have been increasing vastly. This post is non fashion or beauty related so sorry if thats what you read my blog for, If you live in england you will know that on Bank Holiday Monday we had amazing weather. So me and my friend Phoebe took this opportunity to go on a very long walk to this really posh village called " Woodhall Spa". After slow walking for around two hours we eventually got there!! I did try and take some outfit photographs but they're not very good quality and if you dont know already im a little bit of a perfectionist. I dont know if you've noticed the photos on my blog have to be perfect?? Ive been feeling rather crappy and low for a couple of weeks and the stress of exams isnt helping much. I thought a change of scenery for a few hours would relax me and it actually did, many of my friends say i dont come out my "cave" aka my room so i thought going on a long country walk would make me feel better. Even though today im in bed ill and current want to vommit, help me!
picture one. |
picture two. |
picture three. |
picture four. |
picture five. |
picture six. |
picture seven. |
picture eight. |
Out of every single photograph i took my favourite pictures are: 6,4,3 and 1. I think its how vintage they look and I abit of an obsession with anything vintage! Now that the weathers getting slightly warmer im going to be doing ootd post and also some reviews of clothing thats got sent to me, im just trying to figure out how to work my camera.. So if anyone is any good with technical things then comment and help me please, haha im useless! Anyway hope you had a lovely Bank Holiday and also i hope you enjoyed this slightly different post.
Friday, 12 April 2013
My favourite nail polishes.
Starting this blog post on a little tiny apology, yes again I forgot to blog! I'm terrible at remembering to do things and then I run out of ideas. A few days ago I sorted all my nail polishes out throwing some old ones away and trying to find a good way to store them. Unfortunately I still have no idea how to store then and currently they're stacked all messy in my leopard print train case from ebay, and i dont like how they look:-(! I think its fair to say I have a bit of an obsession with nail polish as I currently own 108 ( thats with throwing a few away as well). Its not only me that thinks ive got an obsession but my mum,brother and even my brothers girlfriend.
My favourite spring nail varnishes.
How gorgeous are these two Rimmel London nail varnishes?! Last summer/spring all that was ever on my nails where these, the one on the left is such a pretty and perfect lilac colour and is from the lyrca professional range. Meaning that its super glossy and just lovely, the shade of it is 312 Ultra Violet ( is it just me who got the song in there head from that name?!) Secondly the other nail varnish is very similar to Essie Mint Candy Apple but a fraction of the price, the Rimmel London colour is called 045 Misty Jade.
My favourite Reds.
Aw the classical red nail polish, made to made any nails look sophisticated ( well in my opinion haha). The gorgeous Nails Inc colour on the left I actually got free out of a magazine but previously to buying the magazine I had my eye on it, Its in the shade St James and the application of it is just WOAH! The next nail polish personally I think should be hyped up about more in the blogging world because of its beautiful colour with just a hint of sparkles. Who doesn't love sparkles and glitter? It makes me feel all girly when I wear it..
My favourite darks.
Yet again another Essie Nail varnish but Essie is just brilliant and well worth the quite expensive price. The shade is called Bordeaux and Im not sure if they sell this in Boots or Superdrug because I got it for Christmas but if you can get your hands on it defiantly buy it. Normally I really don't like the number 17 nail varnishes but the formula of the certain one called Amaretto is just amazballs! And for under £4 it just gets better.
My favourite Drugstore nail varnishes.
Was it just me that used to be obsessed with miss sporty when they were younger?? These two nail polishes one of my favourite youtubers ever called Becca mentioned them in a haul and I just needed to have them. They're one of them nail polishes that you buy just to look at the pretty colour in the bottle but may never wear more than once.
My favourite Light blues.
Out of every single nail polish mentioned in this post Topshops Celestial is by far my all time favourite, im even wearing it now. At the time when i brought it i was ummming and arring about whether to buy it or not but im so glad i eventually did. I wear it all year round even in winter and Im defiantly going to re purchase it! The other nail polish was my first ever nail polish by maybelline and I mainly wear it in summer, because it just looks super with an amazing tan!
My favourite glitter top coats.
As you may be able to tell sadly my Revlon glitter top coat is nearly running out and i cant find it in stores **crying** so im trying not to use it as much. Its in the colour belle and Is so easy to remove unlike the majority of glitter top coats. OKAY BARGAIN TIME!! The miss sporty glitter top coat which has no name or colour number is such a beautiful colour, it reminds me of some of the Models Owns glitter top coats and its only around £3.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Is it just me who is stressed to the max about exams?! I have a German and a maths exam when I go back to school and I cant stop stressing, my minds all over the place so I cant concentrate :-(! Also I have to attention span of a fly, which doesn't help at all. Even though being stressed is a pretty bad thing it gave me the idea of writing a blog about "being stressed and how to deal with stress". One thing that I have being doing lately to deal with my stress is reading, I don't normally read ( I know your meant to but I just find the majority of books boring ) however for Easter instead of getting chocolate my mum allowed me to make a Whsmiths order. I purchased "Lauren Conrad's Beauty book" and also "Wreck this journal" even though one of them is actually a book I've been really enjoying them. Also for some reason I've been reading my old company magazines while burning candles for mood lighting ( to calm me down and relax me ). One thing I've noticed that de-stresses me a lot is music. Especially radio one and Lana Del Rey, If you didn't know radio one has been hosting a revision hour and I actually do more work in that hour then I do throughout the whole day. Music actually makes me so relaxed and I never realised this before the Easter holidays.
Ever since watching Zoella's pampering video I have tried to do as much skin care as possible, starting from face masks to actually sticking to a CTM routine. My skin feels a lot fresher which is making me feel good about myself and this may sound silly and stupid but im so proud that the other day I went to town with no make up on. Whereas before I wouldn't leave my room without it.. I suppose you could say I have been getting more and more into beauty and fashion this year. And one of the reasons why could actually be due to blogging!
music played whilst doing this blog post- Tom Odell Hold Me/ Mumford and sons Home/ Daughter Smother/ Ellie Goulding Guns and Horses/ Bastille Flaws.
ask fm-
Monday, 1 April 2013
B is for "bird on a wire"
*pre-warning you may fall in love with this shop like I have*
So yet again I ran out of ideas for blog posts! If you can't tell I'm not very creative, but I was just casually browsing on the asos market place at the different boutiques when I stumbled across one called "bird on a wire". I instantly thought perfect, I can use this for my " B is for.." and this little boutique oh my! I LOVE IT ALREADY!! Who doesn't love reasonable prices and vintage clothing? nobody doesn't! or if you don't then thats okay I suppose.. This boutique includes some amazing clothing thats on trend and looks very similar to some of the clothing from london fashion week. Unfortunately I didn't go to london fashion week but since then my spare time has consisted in watching videos of Cara Delevingne and Jordan Dunn there. What an amazing life I have ;-)! Even though the image quality of the clothes aren't that great the pricing and the 98% feedback rating makes up for that. It's coming up to my birthday soon and I am defiantly tempted to buy a few items from this clothing brand.
Although my style is quite laid back and casual but sometimes dressy, I really do like how original this shop is and also how beautiful are the models? Personally I think any shape or size would be able to pull their clothing off for such a nice price.
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I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and got plenty of Easter eggs, is it just me who thinks the chocolate on Easter eggs tastes so much better than ordinary chocolate? That might be just me.. My next blog post should hopefully be containing two of the things i got for Easter that aren't chocolate, however I'm just waiting of the delivery:-(!
ciao beautiful people reading my blog, I love you all lots and hope you have an amazing week.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Soup, Coffee and Birthdays.
I actually didn't know what to blog about tonight, so this post may be a little bit random as its non fashion or beauty related. However last night it was my dads birthday and we went out for a family meal, the night was amazing and I took some quite impressive photographs of the food. Well quite impressive for me, im not photographer..
music played while doing this blog- Born to die Lana Del Rey/ Don't save me Haim/ Step Vampire Weekend/ King and the Lionheart Of Monsters and Men.
My starter was absolutely amazing and recently I have really been loving soup,mhmm tomato and basil soup.
After around half an hour of choosing what to have for my main course, I finally settled on chicken enchiladas. YUM! Even though I make these myself at home these were delicious, and as a bonus I love Mexican food!
I know this photo isn't the best because it's out of focus at the bottom but just look at the detail on the top of my Latte. By the end of the night I got that addicted to these that I actually had around 3/4, oops!
After I've finished this blog post I'm actually going to plan out some other blog posts to do. Also I think I may be going to the Nottingham vintage fair so if any other bloggers who read my blog are going just tweet me and if I am going I could meet you! I love going to little craft fairs and charity events but I've never actually been to a vintage clothing/jewelry/cake fair. I've spent my whole night just slobbed in my room doing school work, listening to music and now blogging, Im coming to face the fact I have no social life. Also before I say goodbye to all you lovely people I would just like to appologise for not having a set time table for when I'm going to make a blog post. Some days I never have anything actually interesting to blog about and I don't want to bore you all with my life. I hope you enjoyed this different styled blog post, because come on who doesn't like blogs and food? put them together = perfect!
music played while doing this blog- Born to die Lana Del Rey/ Don't save me Haim/ Step Vampire Weekend/ King and the Lionheart Of Monsters and Men.
Saturday, 16 March 2013
A is for Ashley Madekwe.
Recently I've a tiny bit stuck for post ideas ( I have no imagination *sighs*) so all day I've been sat in my room trying to think. Eventually I came up with the idea of an A-Z is for posts seen as I'll be able to blog about this 26 times. The hardest part of this post was figuring out who to do for the letter "A" I first had ideas of Ashley Benson, Azealia Banks or Arctic Monkeys, it has taken me about two hours to think of this beautiful women. And if you don't know who she is, have you been hiding in a cave your whole life? Ashley Madekwe starred in the amazing tv series called Revenge, her style is so casual yet so gorgeous. You wouldn't of guessed that shes actually 31 years old (she looks early 20's gosh) and her figure is to die for. She pulls off any outfit and out of every single one of her outfits on google/pinterest the four above are defiantly my favourite! I just want to be her haha, I think i may be developing a girl crush on her.. Also Ashley is feature in this months company magazine! Tell me in the comments what you think about this blog post, and whether or not i should continue to do these? I dont think I will be daily these posts daily but I might carry it on throughout the whole year to make it more interesting. Hope you enjoyed this post, much love shannon x
music played while doing this blog post- don't save me haim/ whispers in the dark mumford and sons/ lover of the light mumford and sons/ just be paloma faith.
Saturday, 9 March 2013
50 random facts about ME.
I did originally plan to do this idea as a youtube video until I realized that I have no battery's for my camera:( I've saw many of my favourite bloggers and youtubers do this post/video so I thought why not give it a give and you can get to know me a little bit better.
1. I hardly ever watch TV, I just don't find it interesting.
2. My current weird obsession is sloths (don't judge me, okay)
3. The current length of my hair is: nearly at my bum. YAY!
4. I live with my mum and dad in the town of Nottingham.
5. Every single day I listen to radio one, without a fail.
6. For some reason I'm not creative at all:(
7. I have a secret love for michael buble,shushhhh.
8. When im older I want to be a lawyer.
9. My height is around 5ft 8ish.
10. I used to have five rabbits, when I was younger.
11. In my room I have new york wall paper, can you tell I love NY?
12. Company magazine is my all time fav.
13. I have very low body confidence
14. When I was in year 8 I had the biggest comb over *crys*
15. I have a little tiny (huge) obsession with hello kitty.
16. Peter Pan was/still is my favourite childhood film.
17. I hate cooked mushrooms.
18. Lush is one of my favourite companies.
20. I have two best friends, Phoebe and Tasha.
21. Never in my life have I broken a bone.
22. Nando's and Frankie and bennies are my favourite places to eat.
23. I spend the majority of my nights watching youtube videos (sad life, oh well).
24. I'm current in year 10.
25. half way! and I can get my leg behind my head, strangely.
26. My eyes change colour all the time.
27. I've know phoebe from nursery, awwww cuties!
28. I can not save my money.
29. I have troubles sleeping for some reason:(.
30. My favourite subject is french.
31. All throughout my life I have been bullied.
32. Sometimes I go in a weird mood and just dance around my room to one direction ( im a freak:)).
33. I need to film some more youtube videos soon.
34. I actually love cats, even though ive never had one.
35. I'm constantly on my iphone, I love it so so so so much.
36. Blueberries are my favourite fruit (thanks to phoebe).
37. I only wear make up to cover the redness on my face.
38. My shoe size is either a 5 or 6.
39. Don't laugh at this one, I pretend to be a sloth in awkward situations.
40. Everyone from my school knows about my youtube.
41. I always try my best to be happy.
42. Im fourteen years old and addicted to caffeine:-).
43. When Im older I want to live in Brighton or London with my bestfriend Phoebe.
44. The majority of my closet is from Topshop or New look.
45. I absolutely hate it when people crack their knuckels, oh my gosh ew no!
46. My birthday is on the 12th of june (the same day as Anne Franks)
47. I love reading books about wars and romance.
48. I'm running out of things to say, erm I also love giving advice to people it makes me happy.
49. I want to go to university and study Law.
50. Last one finally! Im quite shy at first but then once you get to know me I open up.
2. My current weird obsession is sloths (don't judge me, okay)
3. The current length of my hair is: nearly at my bum. YAY!
4. I live with my mum and dad in the town of Nottingham.
5. Every single day I listen to radio one, without a fail.
6. For some reason I'm not creative at all:(
7. I have a secret love for michael buble,shushhhh.
8. When im older I want to be a lawyer.
9. My height is around 5ft 8ish.
10. I used to have five rabbits, when I was younger.
11. In my room I have new york wall paper, can you tell I love NY?
12. Company magazine is my all time fav.
13. I have very low body confidence
14. When I was in year 8 I had the biggest comb over *crys*
15. I have a little tiny (huge) obsession with hello kitty.
16. Peter Pan was/still is my favourite childhood film.
17. I hate cooked mushrooms.
18. Lush is one of my favourite companies.
20. I have two best friends, Phoebe and Tasha.
21. Never in my life have I broken a bone.
22. Nando's and Frankie and bennies are my favourite places to eat.
23. I spend the majority of my nights watching youtube videos (sad life, oh well).
24. I'm current in year 10.
25. half way! and I can get my leg behind my head, strangely.
26. My eyes change colour all the time.
27. I've know phoebe from nursery, awwww cuties!
28. I can not save my money.
29. I have troubles sleeping for some reason:(.
30. My favourite subject is french.
31. All throughout my life I have been bullied.
32. Sometimes I go in a weird mood and just dance around my room to one direction ( im a freak:)).
33. I need to film some more youtube videos soon.
34. I actually love cats, even though ive never had one.
35. I'm constantly on my iphone, I love it so so so so much.
36. Blueberries are my favourite fruit (thanks to phoebe).
37. I only wear make up to cover the redness on my face.
38. My shoe size is either a 5 or 6.
39. Don't laugh at this one, I pretend to be a sloth in awkward situations.
40. Everyone from my school knows about my youtube.
41. I always try my best to be happy.
42. Im fourteen years old and addicted to caffeine:-).
43. When Im older I want to live in Brighton or London with my bestfriend Phoebe.
44. The majority of my closet is from Topshop or New look.
45. I absolutely hate it when people crack their knuckels, oh my gosh ew no!
46. My birthday is on the 12th of june (the same day as Anne Franks)
47. I love reading books about wars and romance.
48. I'm running out of things to say, erm I also love giving advice to people it makes me happy.
49. I want to go to university and study Law.
50. Last one finally! Im quite shy at first but then once you get to know me I open up.
Friday, 22 February 2013
My everyday face make up.
So yet again I have been lacking with my blog posts *sighs* but I really do want to get back into blogging. I didn't know what sort of style I wanted my blog to look like so I re-designed mine inspired by some of my favourite beauty and fashion bloggers. I haven't been wearing make up for four days, I know I'm surprised too! I noticed that I actually haven't done a beauty related post with my new camera and wanted to test it out. So after around an hour and a half of just setting my camera up and getting the right location I produced some okayish pictures and thought I'd create a post from them.
I absolutely love Rimmel London make up products and personally I think they're one of the best drug store brands. The Rimmel match perfection foundation was a really random purchase for me, seen as I thought I fount my perfect foundation last year but I was wrong. The colour of this foundation is actually amazing and matches my skin tone perfectly ( it does what it says on the bottle!). The powder on the right is also from Rimmel and is very hyped up about in the beauty world. As you can tell I love love love this powder and have brought so many of these, every time I hit pan I almost want to cry. Is that sad at how much I love it? The powder gives amazing coverage and matify's my foundation really well.
Next of my every day make up is eyes. This small little palette for only four pounds (yes £4!) is an exact dupe for the Urban Decay naked palette and is a fraction of the price. As you can see the palette comes with 12 beautiful and very pigmented colours. These collection of colours will give you a gorgeous natural look and will enhance your eyes! The name of the palette is called " Heaven and Earth" and when I hit pan on any one of these colours I am defiantly repurchasing it. When I use eye shadow I mainly just use one brush which is the Eco Tools eye shadow brush. I don't think you can buy this individually as I purchased mine in a set of five. This brush is so lovely and soft and so worth the money.
I love doing this part of my face and enjoy it the most, these two cheek products are a must have for me! I actually recommended one for a friend of mine saskia who also has a blog (if you click on her name it will take you to the post she mentioned me in). This gorgeous blush is by Mua in the shade English Rose, I didn't used to like blush on me but this blush has changed my opinion. It has beautiful highlighting colours so your basically getting two products in one, however the highlight is not to over powering and give you the perfect shine. The next cheek product is my all time favourite and I brought this ages and ages ago and actually can't find it in any shops:(. I was watching a random beauty video on YouTube and she mentioned this product and she said " its not to orange or to brown it give you the right amount of colour". I totally agree with what she said and I don't use this as a bronzer I use it as a contour product.
Urg, this photograph is annoying me! I think its my ocd kicking in again haha, anyway I've only just discovered these amazing eye products and they are AMAZING! Okay going a little bit wild on the capital letters there but they really are amazing. The mascara at the top is by Avon a brand that I usually wouldn't buy because you can't try the products before you order them. But my mother was offering to treat me in the Avon magazine and I thought you can't go wrong with a new mascara! The wand on the mascara separates my lashes so evenly and adds alot of volume. Next onto eyeliners the products I either love or absolutely hate, the eyeliner shown in the middle of the picture I used to hate so so much. I can't use this product on my waterline or my upper lash line as it just doesn't look good and looks horrible on me, however I use this eyeliner on my lower lash line and it looks amazing! The last eye product is by No7 and its just a simple eyeliner however the actual eyeliner is so soft and lovely to apply.
Lips, a category that I love so much. I feel asif a lipstick or lipgloss can change your whole look. One of my all time favourite is Vaseline such a simple and easy to get hold of product that keeps my lips so smooth. Oh yes, now on to this lovely lipstick! This lipstick is part of the new Kate Moss matt collection and the colour is too die for, its in the shade 107. I actually posted a picture of the actual lipstick on instagram so ill link it HERE.
I hope you enjoyed this new post and if you use any of the things I use leave a comment in the comment section. Or if you have any recommendations also leave them in the comments. I know this is a rather long post but I can ramble on for ages, I'm like a little old granny!
Thursday, 14 February 2013
So yet again I haven't blogged in a while, my bad! But at the moment I have still
been really busy and I don't really know what to blog about. Later on I'm going to sit down and just write ideas down in a note pad, because I break up from school tomorrow (15th February). If you follow me on facebook or twitter you will know I went to example on the 12th of February. It literally was the best night I have had so far in 2013!
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Benga was the main support act, and he made the place come alive and jump haha! |
I hope you enjoyed this little blog post and I promise I will be doing some beauty and fashion related posts but I just need the time and some ideas, shannon x
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Get to know me better.
I've saw quite a couple of beauty and fashion bloggers do this post
and answer these set questions. So I thought why not do it myself?
Here's my answers, hope you like this post.
Here's my answers, hope you like this post.
1. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have a brother who is exactly ten years older than me.
2. If you had to choose between mascara or foundation, which would it be?
Foundation, I would not be able to survive without it.
3. What's your favourite food?
This is quite a hard question seen as I love food, but it would have to be
jam on toast or fruit.
4. Do you have a 'party trick' or an unusual talent?
Could this class as an unusual talent? I can put my leg behind my
head and can touch my leg with my head.
5. How would you describe your dress sense?
My style used to be boring but im slowly coming out of it, I would say that my
style is describable but ill tell you what I love, I love skirts,
style is describable but ill tell you what I love, I love skirts,
collared shirts, knitted jumpers and tights and
my lazy day favourite leggings.
I could not answer this question without naming nearly every
single film, but i love any film by Disney!
7. What's your star sign?
8. What's your one beauty item you cannot live without?
Foundation or moisturizer
9. What is your job?
I'm actually still a student and don't have a job:(
10. How did you come up with your blog name?
I don't like my blog name but its the same as my youtube name
and I chose that so no one from my school could find it,
however people still have oh well..
11. What's your favourite fashion/ beauty trend this year (so far or to come)?
Monochrome, I have saw that in lots of fashion magazines. And
skater skirts I've been wearing them a lot recently.
skater skirts I've been wearing them a lot recently.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and if i get bored later on tonight I will probably
make another post, i love you and hope you have a wonderful day
shannon xx
Thursday, 24 January 2013
I'm back finally and for good!
Hello again.
I know it's been a while since I lasted blogged and one of my new years resolutions was to re start up my blog, I've been planning a couple of posts for this new year ahead over the Christmas holiday break. I haven't been uploading to YouTube either and thats because I used to film off my iPhone 4s and it was getting extremely hard to film. If you don't follow me on instagram/twitter/facebook, then you wont know that for Christmas I received the most wonderful present from my parents which was the Panasonic Lumix camera.
While I've had a little break from blogging I've been taking a lot of pictures and just wanted to give you a little update of my life, I shall be posting either daily or every two days depending on school work. My next exam is in April so I don't have that much revision to do, i just have a lot of catching up to do on my course work. Many students in years ten and eleven will understand how stressful exams and exam preparation is. Over the past two or three months my life hasn't really been at the highest point and I've had very bad depression and anxiety, so in January like many other people I made some resolutions.
Here are just some of my resolutions:
♥ get back into blogging and posting to my instagram regularly, I've been lacking at updating everything recently.
♥ say yes, I know that sounds so stupid but I hardly say yes to things I need to start enjoying my life again.
♥ start reading again, I used to read so much but now I hardly ever pick up a book.
♥ experiment more with my style, I need to stop playing it safe and dare to be different!
♥ and this a very common resolution that most people fail at or give in at, but to become more healthy and lose a little bit of weight, and I am very proud to say that already I have lost five pounds and for once I am happy with my body shape.
now for the pictures of the past few months:
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I took this photograph only a couple of days ago when it snowed in england. |
I finally went to my first Youtube meet up on the 1st of december, and hugged Sam Pepper, Maz and FoodforLouis. I also met some other amazing youtubers there! |
I had to include this photograph because autumn was the best month of my life. Thanks to tasha, i love her ♥ |
I hope you enjoyed this little catch up and I will probably see you tomorrow or on saturday!
I hope you had a lovely day.
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